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Kaspersky Report Highlights Alarming Rise in Phishing Attacks Targeting Google, Amazon, and Facebook

Recent findings from cybersecurity experts at Kaspersky have unveiled a concerning uptick in password-stealing attacks, with Google, Amazon, and Facebook emerging as primary targets. The appeal of these platforms to cybercriminals lies in their broad usage and the comprehensive access they provide to personal and financial data, making them prime vectors for a range of cybercrimes including data theft, malware distribution, and credit card fraud.

Google, in particular, has been identified as a crucial asset for cybercriminals, acting as a gateway to numerous other sensitive accounts and personal information. This year has seen a significant increase in phishing attempts targeting Google,” noted Olga Svistunova, a security expert at Kaspersky. The firm recorded a staggering 243% increase in such incidents in the first half of 2024, successfully intercepting around 4 million malicious attempts.

The research, which has not yet been published, indicates that Facebook and Amazon are also heavily compromised, with 3.7 million and 3 million phishing attempts respectively. Other notable mentions in the top ten list of targeted brands include Microsoft, DHL, PayPal, Mastercard, Apple, Netflix, and Instagram. Brands like HSBC, eBay, Airbnb, American Express, and LinkedIn also saw a marked increase in phishing attempts during the same period.

Kaspersky analyzed 25 of the world’s largest and most popular brands, revealing about 26 million attempts to access malicious sites posing as these entities in the early months of 2024 alone, marking a 40% increase from the previous year. The surge in cybercriminal activity highlights the persistent threat landscape that companies, including small businesses and solopreneurs, must navigate.

Importantly, the increase in phishing attempts is attributed to heightened fraudulent activity, not a lack of vigilance by users. For small business owners and solopreneurs, this emphasizes the need for robust cybersecurity measures and continuous monitoring of account security to protect against such pervasive threats.

We typically get the short end of the stick…from big business, from crappy employers and from crappy governments. So what I’ve (and my esteemed and impeccably dressed cohorts) decided to do is call them out on it…and also give you solutions to start tilting the playing field in your favor.