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Tesla Reports First Annual Delivery Decline Amid Intensifying EV Competition

Tesla released its fourth-quarter vehicle production and delivery report on Thursday, revealing the first annual decline in deliveries in the company’s history. Tesla delivered 1.81 million vehicles in 2023, with 484,507 deliveries in Q4, a shortfall compared to analysts’ expectations. Q4 Delivery Numbers Fall Short of Projections The reported figures

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Kenneth Holland - The Ken dot Live

The stakes are higher than ever. Most businesses and aspiring solopreneur are getting crushed by rising prices, government spending and their criminal overreach. No one is out there to save you. They’ve left you in the shark pool armed with a butterknife with blood on it. The answers and the work that inevitability follows will be HARD. But do you really have a choice anymore?

More importantly, did you ever? – Kenneth Holland

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