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Mobile Sucks…Long Live Mobile

Most millennials I know/run into/lecture ad nauseum (usually #3) don’t have desktop/notebook computers.
(BTW…I literally mean ‘run in to’ as they stare at their phones while walking through the mall or public thoroughfare…)
No huge surprise there. Most of their ‘computing’ (gaming and/or social media pontification) is done on their mobile devices.
“You don’t need a ‘regular computer’ anymore. You can run your business on your mobile phone,” is the familiar proclamation, typically from a 22 year-old who obviously runs a Fortune 500 conglomerate.
So most mornings as I sip my coffee, I scroll through various news, stories, articles of the day on my mobile…that is until I get so frustrated by all the crappy formatting and 72 ads that slide in, slide out, blink and pop up and down. (You ever try reading a story on ‘The Daily Mail’? Well…me neither of course!! *wink*)
Anyhow, as a result of this mobile nonsense, I often put the phone down and decide to read the newspaper (OK, that last part isn’t true…).
The mobile experience is largely lacking at best. At worst, it borderline doesn’t work.
Now…to be fair, trying to fit a bunch of information on a small screen is challenging. What makes it even worse is the fact that publishers in their quest to monetize jam all those ads on your screen.
The exception? Amazon. Their app actually works really well and I’ve bought several products from my device. But shopping on a mobile in a browser? Dreadful. Go ahead, try it. (I won’t wait while you do BTW).
I actually do like mobile technology for its ‘promise’. It has transformed and extended the functionality of computing in our society. The ease in utility of various social platforms, mapping, etc., has made lives ‘easier’…and often actually ‘fun’. I also don’t blame online publishers. They have to monetize to stay in business. I’ve been a publisher myself, so I get it.
So what is the solution? There isn’t one, except to let time pass as browser/image rendering (and speed) improves…which it will.

‘You Can Now Run Your Business on Your Smart Phone’

Which leads me to this statement: No…no you can’t.
Oh sure, for some apps/businesses I will admit you can (with a caveat), but try running your design, your accounting, research (mindmaps, etc…) and various other robust business-related functions on mobile.
Go walk in to any ‘dot com’ startup. Do you see everyone at their desk staring at their mobile (excluding, of course, the employees who are ‘swiping right’ for their next hookup when they should be working…)?
No…there are multiple monitors at every desk.
I’m excited for the future of mobile. Look how far it’s come in the last 7-10 years.
Just don’t put your desktop/laptop out to pasture just yet. Now, once someone figures out how to revolutionize mobile biz with their butts and boobs…then we’ll be in trouble. Oh…wait…

We typically get the short end of the stick…from big business, from crappy employers and from crappy governments. So what I’ve (and my esteemed and impeccably dressed cohorts) decided to do is call them out on it…and also give you solutions to start tilting the playing field in your favor.