“The World on a Plate”

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You’re only a fraud if you’re not willing to help

I’ve coached many budding online entrepreneurs over the years…some successfully and many not.

One common trait in almost all of those people was their ‘fear’ of ‘not being an expert’. They ‘felt’ like they ‘didn’t have enough requisite knowledge’ to ‘teach’ whatever thing they were planning to teach.

And I use several quotes above (as you can see) to illustrate a point:

Those terms above represent the actual fallacy of those words. Those ‘fears’ are mostly unfounded.

Why most people are dying to hear from you...IF you have the right intention

Most people go online to solve a problem: Pay a bill, buy a shirt, get directions…even get noticed for their abs (yes, that is a problem to be solved).

However, so many beginners, novices and small businesses start their online venture…

…to make money.

There’s just one issue with that: the customer doesn’t care.

At all.

The customer wants their problem solved.

The End.

Earning revenue is certainly a huge part of that of course. But that is only the scorecard.

It’s what you did before the score was posted that makes all the difference.

Going in with the intention to help and solve makes all the rest (the money) effortless.

This is exactly why you see so many ‘hacks’ and ‘tricks’ online that do not work. They don’t help the customer.

Yes...this applies to EVERY business model

Amazon may not be the expert of the products they sell…but they are the experts of the process of the products they sell.

…and they are the all-time legends at it.

Being 'one step ahead' means doing the work so you can help those after you

To make one thing clear: You must know something of what you teach or coach. And you must be willing to help someone achieve the thing.

So learn whatever you need to (in whatever niche or business you’re in) to be a step ahead of the person you’re offering the solution to.

If you’re not a ‘level 10’, but you’re ‘level 3’ then help those that are ‘levels 1 and 2’.

Once you work your way to level 10 you’ll make more money…with the same amount of work.

Help them get the result and they’ll think you’re a legend.

Re. money: Do this enough times and you’ll never have a job again.

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We typically get the short end of the stick…from big business, from crappy employers and from crappy governments. So what I’ve (and my esteemed and impeccably dressed cohorts) decided to do is call them out on it…and also give you solutions to start tilting the playing field in your favor.

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