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How Ethical Web AI’s Platform Is Shifting the Paradigm in Internet Search Technology

Ethical Web AI, a leader in ethical technology, has recently unveiled a demo version of its long-anticipated Ethical Web platform. This innovation represents a significant shift in internet search technology, which has remained largely unchanged for over three decades.

The company, which holds the US patent 10977387, has developed a method that allows for ultra-precise searches without compromising user privacy. This new approach utilizes “anonymous super apps” that can perform detailed queries about products or services, including attributes like location and availability, without storing personal user data.

This technology is especially pertinent for small business owners and solopreneurs who are often at a disadvantage with traditional search engines that prioritize large corporations. The Ethical Web platform levels the playing field, enabling these smaller entities to compete more effectively by connecting anonymously with potential customers.

Steve Morris, CTO and founder of Ethical Web AI, emphasized the groundbreaking nature of the platform: “This is the most significant event for the company to date. Our biggest challenge has always been to explain how hugely significant our technology is. Many new technologies profess to be innovative or disruptive, but none of them come anywhere near the level of genuine disruption and innovation of the Ethical Web product. There has been no real innovation in internet search in the last 30 years. People have had enough of being exploited by the big technology firms. They are crying out for an alternative way to search that is not dependent on online advertising and behavioural tracking. It is interesting to see that Google is in trouble with its anti-trust case brought by the US DOJ. Something we predicted many years ago.”

In addition to maintaining user anonymity, the platform supports persistent searches, where results can be delivered at a future date, providing a sort of concierge service for users. This feature could significantly alter how businesses approach potential leads and manage customer interactions.

“With the platform now demonstrable, this makes our ability to raise the necessary finance to move the company on to the next stage so much easier,” Morris added, reflecting on the path ahead and the potential for securing additional investment.

The development of the Ethical Web platform required substantial technological innovation, some of which had to be created from scratch by the Ethical Web AI team. “A massive amount of architectural design and code has been written to deliver the platform,” Morris stated, acknowledging the effort and creativity of his team.

Looking forward, Ethical Web AI plans to initiate pilot projects with eager candidates and has announced forthcoming public demonstrations via online media in the coming weeks. This phase will be crucial for gathering feedback and refining the platform to suit diverse community needs globally.

For more information, visit their website at:

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